Technically I am officially 6 months and a week since I didn't get the opportunity to post last week due to Cardinal conference craziness. Back to the 6 months Last week was the first "milestone" that we had that made me say "wait....what?!?" I am how far along? How did that happen already?
On one end I am SO excited and happy that things are moving along so quickly, as I truly can't wait to meet our little Baby C. But on the other end I really don't want my pregnancy to come to end. I am honestly really enjoying this experience so much. I feel so lucky to be experiencing it in the first place, but the fact I have had such a great pregnancy so far has really, really helped. Not to mention that our little peanut's movements have turned into full fledged punches and kicks in the last week or so. They are so distinct now that you can sometimes SEE them. So much fun! I thought that I loved the butterflies, but wow...this has taken it to a whole other level. Which has in turn taken my love for this little peanut to an even higher level than it was before. Wow...just amazing I tell ya.
Speaking of movements our little one decided that it was a good idea to wake Mommy up last Saturday morning at 7:45 by kicking her as much as possible until she decided it was time to get up and feed the little one. While I wasn't so excited about the time that I was rolling out of bed (literally at this point), I loved every single moment of it. Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't quite prepared for the fact that I am already getting my sleep interrupted by our little one, but man if that isn't the best feeling in the world I really don't know what is. For those of you out of town, I have been trying very hard to get a video of it so I can send it to you. It turns out, however, that Baby C seems to be a little camera shy. As every single time I get the phone aimed right where I want it to be and push record, the little booger decides the better location to kick or punch Mommy is on the exact opposite side of my belly that the camera/phone is pointed. So it may take me so time, but it is my mission to get you all at least one video of these kicks before this little one makes an arrival.
Feeling these movements have really helped to calm my nerves and make me feel as though I can finally fully enjoy this experience and just let go. Prior to these daily kicks (which I should note is happening as I type this because I am finishing up my lunch) I would get so worried if there would be a day or two without feeling this little one. I think part of it is something that all of us "first time moms" go through while pregnant, but I also fully believe that a larger part of it is because I think I am trained after the last three years of disappointment that it probably means that something is wrong and I shouldn't allow myself to get excited or feel the true joy that I do right now. It's a little sad, but so true. I don't know how you can't feel that way, to be honest, coming from the place that we have. All of it means, however, that we are just going to love this little one with every single ounce of our being and this baby is going to be the most wanted baby on the block.
I am also VERY excited because we are getting all of our nursery furniture delivered this week!! WOO HOO! We are getting the crib on Thursday and everything else on Friday. I can't wait!! I have a feeling once we get everything set up it will be all that Tone can do to drag me out of there every single day. I already go in there a few times a week and talk to the baby. So I know once I get my comfy glider and have things to look at, it's going to be all that I want to do. So if any of you ever can't find me, that would be the first place I would check. I am also extra excited because now that we will have furniture that means I can start washing all of the clothes and blankets that we have so far and start to put them away. OMG...I can only imagine how fun that is going to be! I just can't wait till I get to fold my first piece of little teeny, tiny laundry and put it into a dresser drawer. If I know me...I am probably going to cry. ;-)
Our annual Halloween party is this Friday as well. Which as all of you know, is a BIG deal in our house. We literally start planning for this bad boy in August. I can't wait to show everyone what our costumes are, and will be sure to post a picture for all of you to see next week. It's really hard for me to believe that this is our last year as a twosome costume. Next year we will have to figure out something for THREE! :)
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